APP001.TXT TestPoint Application Note APP001.TST Associated Source File (c) Capital Equipment Corporation 1995 _______________________________________________________________ TestPoint creates a Windows scientific calculator with just three objects and three action lines. _______________________________________________________________ To create a calculator, select a data entry object, a display object and a math object. Name the data entry object "calculate" and the display object "result" if you want to match the listing provided or simply leave them unchanged and use their default names. Drag the math formula in the math object to the Action List for the data entry object. Drag the math object to the Action List and select calculate from the drop down menu. Drag the display object to the Action List and then drag the math object into the display. That's it! Select mode=run and enter any math equation supported by TestPoint in the data entry field. When you press enter the results will appear in the display field. Save your work and then click on Utilities and select Add a Runtime Icon. You will now be able to run your TestPoint Scientific Calculator by double clicking on the icon in the Program Manager. Want to add special function keys or a slider to change the number of digits displayed, graph your results or put them in a grid or a file? The possibilities are endless. Have fun!